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GPS Configurator 0.1    

If you just can't wait to see the screenshot, you better click here right away...

What is it?

Until now, there has never been a program to setup Garmin's GPS 35-xVS sensors under Linux. As we do most of our work on the Unix platform, we decided to change this. The program really isn't much more than a port of Garmins's own setup program for the Windows platform (it's written from scratch though, no rip-offs), but it will eventually be expanded to cover any GPS sensor that I ever get my hands on =)

How do I get it?

By clicking on the "download" link on the top of this page (right next to the fancy logo), and selecting the newest version. The RPM's are currently for RedHat Linux 7.x only, but the source should compile on most UNIX based platforms.

How can I help?

You want to help? That's great! There's several things that needs to be done, including:
  • Getting rid of the bugs (see buglist)...
  • Writing code to support more sensors
  • Writing documentation
  • Porting to other platforms...
So don't hesitate - write me today :-)

  <-- The one thing that everybody seems to like...


Institute of Solid Earth Physics - University of Bergen, Norway
Last modified: Wed Nov 14 15:01:25 CET 2001
Author: Trond Solberg